

     Bad Deal is deeper than just being an action thriller film. My film is about a criminal injustice, a mafia crew negotiating a “bad deal” with an individual, thus how the film acquired its name. Everyone knows the general concepts of crime and unlawful manners that happens in everyday life, but some do not experience it. This can disconnect people from crime which they can become oblivious to. This is where my film comes to life. Bad deal represents crime in which the audience go on a journey with the mafia and witness all the crookedness behind the scenes. For example, in the first scene where two of the actors were bonding, laughing, and being jolly followed by one of those actors, Shelly, being kidnapped and Marcus making the attempt to retrieve her. Viewers had the ability to sense a feeling and reflect on this scene as their loved ones or themselves can be taken away at any given moment unfortunately. This is displayed when Marcus begins to grieve at that very mo...

Bad Deal

    The wait is over!!! I present to you, my website, postcard, and last but not least my short film! Website:     Postcard: Film:     Words cannot describe how thrilled I am for this thriller right now! My team and I finally completed it, the short film is oficially done. It has been a bumpy rollercoaster to get to this point but I am glad with how everything turned out. But let me stop yapping, I hope you enjoy.

Production Blog: Time to get Tech-savvy

    Hey!! Remember when I was telling you about how I was gonna get professional and go all out for this film? Well it is safe to say I got it done. Yes, I did it, but the process was not so simple. I began working on the website, for this I used a website builder called to assist me. This was my first time working on a website yet using wix in general. It was definitely a learning experience. I started by adding in the background and title page for the film this was the easy part. I then decided start inputting information when my website wanted to start glitch out. On of the tabs one of the groups was not deleting that was unneeded. Wix tends to come with templates in which assist you for your website, sometimes these templates come with groups which are not needed depending on the scenario. In mine, I did not have a use for it and attempted to delete the group several times and it did not work. I decided I can actually utilize this group instead and remodel the page...

Production Blog: Garnished and Served with Seasoning.

      Welcome back!! I hope you did not think I forgot about this cinematic masterpiece that we have been talking about. In my last blog I finished editing as you may already know. Now some people may just simply export this film to youtube and call it day. But, if it is one thing that I learned from making a short film is to add seasoning. Allow me to explain, after post processing, editing in other words, it is easy to make a few unknown mistakes in which the editor would be blind too. This is due to the overloaded abundance of viewing the same content at one time which can lead to a few mistakes needing to be adjusted flying over my head. It has been a while since I last viewed the film. That is why today I rewatched and edited draft of the film and added the "seasoning." I hope I am not making you hungry. Thankfully, in my viewing of the draft I saw clips that were unaligned with scenes and could have been transitioned better into one another. I did not see this oppor...

Production Blog: Post Process Hustle

Welcome back to part two of my editing struggles! Just joking, editing is going smoothly there is just a little hurdle that I need to get over. I know I teased you a little on my last blog about what the hiccup was, as you may have guessed, it was the finger being in the camera frame. I took an absurd amount of time trying to figure out ways and methods to pursue in order to remove this obstacle from the frame but I could not seem to find one. I searched on YouTube  and Google throughout today on learning how to mask objects in a video clip and tried it. Unfortunately this ran me into another problem. My computer ran out of storage from the project auto saving. At this point, I decided not to stress but rather clean up storage and make space on my laptop by deleting unwanted apps and moving them to my other hard drive. I did this process pretty quick and begun back my ediitng journey. After hours of trying to perfect the mask on this singular clip I decided it was just best to crop...

Production Blog: Edit, Edits, and More Edits!

     Wooohoooo! Editing time has oficially begun. Let me give you some insights on what happened today. I begun by importing the footage from my iphone in which all of the scenes were shot onto my computer. I did this process how I always did it, through email. By doing so, I was able to simply download each clip the same way I had them organized from my phone. Now it was time to load up and import my clips into my editing software, Adobe Premiere Pro. It has been a while since I last used this program so it took a bit of time to get back into the groove of how tools operated. Then, it was time to begin editing. First things first, drag all of the clips onto the timeline putting them in chronological order. The first clip in the sequence was mainly dialouge, but torwards the beginning I had to cut some length as the camera was rolling before we begun acting. This meant that about 30 seconds of the first clip had to be removed which was calculated previously with the requi...

Production Blog: It is looking spot on!

     Greetings! As you may know from my previous blog, filming is finished! The second day of filming was very exhausting and lengthy. This was because the scenes left were action intense, and contained dialogue. In order to perfect these it took multiple takes to shoot each individual scene. There was a fight scene in which we were able to make pretty realistic after several goes. Do not worry, no one was harmed. Despite the time consumption, it was safe to say I way pretty satisfied with the results. I finished wrapping these scenes up and get ready to head to home, it was already midnight. Today I reviewed all of the clips from my phone and organizing them by the scenes that will be used and trashed. I did this by using the favorite tool from my phone and compiling the clips into a seperate folder for easy access. From this point on it will be easier to import them to my computer for editing. When carefully viewing each clip of footage, I pinpointed each minute detail ...