Production Blog: Garnished and Served with Seasoning.

     Welcome back!! I hope you did not think I forgot about this cinematic masterpiece that we have been talking about. In my last blog I finished editing as you may already know. Now some people may just simply export this film to youtube and call it day. But, if it is one thing that I learned from making a short film is to add seasoning. Allow me to explain, after post processing, editing in other words, it is easy to make a few unknown mistakes in which the editor would be blind too. This is due to the overloaded abundance of viewing the same content at one time which can lead to a few mistakes needing to be adjusted flying over my head. It has been a while since I last viewed the film. That is why today I rewatched and edited draft of the film and added the "seasoning." I hope I am not making you hungry. Thankfully, in my viewing of the draft I saw clips that were unaligned with scenes and could have been transitioned better into one another. I did not see this opportunity the first time editing it. Another was the titles and credits. There were one or two grammatical errors in the production crews credits which would have made the film unprofessional, which I immediately took action and fixed. Besides the unalignment of clips and typos, there was not any other critiques I had on the editing process. The film has been seasoned and is ready to go! But wait, I need to advertise my film in order for there to be a larger audience. This is why I will be creating a personalized website, social media, and postcard for this film. I know I know, this is getting real really fast, all I can say for now is stay tuned for the next blog.
