Production Blog: It is looking spot on!
Greetings! As you may know from my previous blog, filming is finished! The second day of filming was very exhausting and lengthy. This was because the scenes left were action intense, and contained dialogue. In order to perfect these it took multiple takes to shoot each individual scene. There was a fight scene in which we were able to make pretty realistic after several goes. Do not worry, no one was harmed. Despite the time consumption, it was safe to say I way pretty satisfied with the results. I finished wrapping these scenes up and get ready to head to home, it was already midnight. Today I reviewed all of the clips from my phone and organizing them by the scenes that will be used and trashed. I did this by using the favorite tool from my phone and compiling the clips into a seperate folder for easy access. From this point on it will be easier to import them to my computer for editing. When carefully viewing each clip of footage, I pinpointed each minute detail in the clips I chose and started planning ahead with them. For example, in one of the dialogue scenes my cameraman accidentally put his finger into frame blocking the lens. After noticing this, I pinpointed and added a timestamp of where this mistake arose and brainstormed ways to sovle this. I cannot simply leave this mistake in the scene as it would provide unprofessionalism and direct the audiences attention away from the film. Unfortunately, I am not able to make the 35 minute drive back to Nandika's house and film this one scene over again. Although, all is fine because from my previous knowledge in editing films, music videos, and commercials from last year I would be able to solve this issue. Other than this mistake, all of the other footage is looking perfect and ready to be edited. Hopefully by my next blog ill take you on my experience of post processing.
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