Production Blog: Post Process Hustle
Welcome back to part two of my editing struggles! Just joking, editing is going smoothly there is just a little hurdle that I need to get over. I know I teased you a little on my last blog about what the hiccup was, as you may have guessed, it was the finger being in the camera frame. I took an absurd amount of time trying to figure out ways and methods to pursue in order to remove this obstacle from the frame but I could not seem to find one. I searched on YouTube and Google throughout today on learning how to mask objects in a video clip and tried it. Unfortunately this ran me into another problem. My computer ran out of storage from the project auto saving. At this point, I decided not to stress but rather clean up storage and make space on my laptop by deleting unwanted apps and moving them to my other hard drive. I did this process pretty quick and begun back my ediitng journey. After hours of trying to perfect the mask on this singular clip I decided it was just best to crop...