Genre Research: The verdict.
Hello you all, I have made the final decision for my film genre. After researching three genres in total, comedy, action, and thriller, the one that stuck out the most was action. Yes, for my film it will be an action genre. I chose this genre as it suits the conventions that I will be able to work with. For instance, Mis-En-Scenes such as lighting and costumes will be dark and neutral which is perfect for the environment I will be working in. Filming may take place inside a house to outside in a car at dusk. Filming during this time will set a dramatic scene. The film will be based on the mafia being under wraps with one of their members unknowingly. The member suspectedly gets kidnapped by an unknown individual and whilst trying to investigate the situation further and retrieve their member, they are betrayed and realize that the member taken was against their team the entire time. This film will be action filled with all of the drama that will be happening suiting the genre well. Torward the ending of the film, the audience will be shocked as I am adding a plot twist to the film. That being the member being against the team the entire time. Editing is also a great fit into this genre. Quick cuts, sound effects, slow motion, etc are all effects I have already done for my previous projects. As a result, I should be familiar with the action genre in terms of CAMS as well. A close competitor was the thriller genre. This would have been the next best fit for this film as it has similar Mis-En-Scenes and editing style. Although, the action outperformed the thriller genre in this case as thriller does not contain as much intensity as compared to action. Nonetheless, I am excited to start the filming process for my action film and cannot wait to take you guys along with me!
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