Change of Plans

    There has been a change of plans in the schedule. While my partner and I analyzed the dates the blogs and movie was due we made some rearrangements. My group and I work on a tight schedule so fitting in the film is a difficult task. Originally we were supposed to film already. This blog would've went over what activities and strategies we did while filming. Otherwise, it would have been a behind the scenes when shot. The reason for the delay is due to recent work and tests my group member and I were scheduled to. I have a test today for another class that I've been repeatedly studying for. This test has created a blockade from using my extra time out of school to film. The time I used after school I invested into studying for this test. Although, after I complete this test I should be free of after school activities. My partner was also occupied during this time. Other than tests, my partner was busy with personal stuff. This made it where afterschool we both was constantly busy and by the time we were able to film it was too dark to do so. The point of the film is to be filmed in broad daylight to portray an optimistic tone, night time would provide the complete opposite. Leading me to the point for another reason why the movie was delayed. Luckily, I have been keeping track of dates all the blogs are due so we do not fall behind. I have put into consideration the time it takes to film, revise, edit, and to document blogs. With past experience with my previous creations such as the commercial and music video I am able to safely come to this conclusion. My group and I have more than enough time to finish up this movie and cannot wait to tell you how everything goes!


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