Our pitch

 Pitch 1: After an advanced and professional murder in a confined area a group of tenants works together to identify the murderer. 

Pitch 2: After refusing the spouse's pleas for a puppy, he/she caved and accepted the offer to purchase a puppy. During training and destroying their house along with other destructive things as a young pup. As the pup grows older the man/woman who didn't want the dog eventually ended up loving the dog dearest. 

Based off of pitch one we believe it would be easy to execute and follow through with the general idea of a murder mystery because it is simple to understand. Continuing our project based off of pitch one is possible. The setting of pitch one is also important because it can help throughout the film. We have access to possible locations to film. Along with locations other things working on our side are the people it wouldn't look good or well played out with only the 2 people. Because murder mysteries always have upwards of 10.

Based off of pitch 2 these are common movie scenes that connect with the viewer emotionally. We want that emotional attention from a grader. These would also be easy to film because a group mate's mum has already purchased a puppy. That said puppy is already out of control and could be useful for our video. Usually, a house is a mess because of the dog so it would be simple to film. This would also be beneficial because we have to clean it up regardless. For end scenes although we have and know people with senior dogs alike the puppy that can be helpful. For example, my pup is a golden and my father's dog is a senior golden with can therefore play out with our video. This also seems very interesting and entertaining. Once this video is finished along with editing I believe it would look great. We will most likely choose this pitch as our final video because of the simplicity and how well everything has played out.       


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