Group blog

  I'm back, for this project I will be working collaboratively. In my group, I will be working with Sean. I chose to work with him since he is an ambitious and intelligent individual overall. In my time knowing Sean, he is also a nice person. He is always determined to a goal whether it is schoolwork or just an accomplishment of his own. In addition to this, he's very good at time management. My group member is great at this by working around obstacles and finding ways to do assignments or a task in a timely manner. He also has a very good schedule to work around. This helps tremendously as in the future when filming the music video, it will be easy to formulate a time and day to set up everything. Last time in my blog it was hard to find an actor to have the same/similar schedule as me. Sean has proven to show good academics in the past to the present day. He always also does his assignments from other classes in time displaying consistency. This is a major key in this music video as Sean and I have to work together to create a music video as well as produce almost double the number of blogs as last time for you all. Sean is also very generous; he shares his knowledge with others to make sure the people around him succeed. He makes sure that people are always doing what they are supposed to and staying on track. This shows great leadership skills. In my last commercial blog, I learned working individually was a difficult task and having Sean as my group member will definitely help. 


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